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hihi...hope u enjoy and know whats going on in my life....hehe

05 May 2021

Had a weird dream so I wrote my dream Into a story

Chapter 1

Once upon a time, war between human and evil spririts was at the verge of it. There is two talented couple who were born and made for their life's to destroy the Evil spirit, there were Lianhua and Qinghua. ( Just like frog on the lotus plant). They are the best couple hand In hand to destroy the evil spirit, with their team work and connection battle move that make them undefeated and untouchable by the evil spirit and ghost. After almost defeating the biggest evil spirit of the ghost, ( the evil ghost fled), they choose to stay together and get married to each other even knowing that they are not suppose to as instructed by there previous master sayings, 

"you guys are meant to be partner to fight evil spirits, but not in a relationships and married to each other,else both your power will decreased and might not even able to defeat the strongest evil. "

However they believe that thier power of love could defeat the strongest evil spirits. After the injured and worn out strongest evil( Er mo) left the villages. Lianhua and Qinghua stays in the village and get married to each other. 

Er mo fled to the nearest mountain and gather all the evil spirit and the vengeful spirits, consuming them for recovery. However one of the roaming spirit servant told the news of the married couple. Er mo was happy after hearing the news of the married couple knowing that their virgins power is gone, he had a plan in mind and decide to act when the times comes.

Lianhua and Qinghua were living their lives as per normal, farming and doing chores. Sometime pratice their skill together and they are still in sync, however Qinghua felt something is amiss, something felt wrong with their power. But he insist believing that love could defeat the evil spirits. At one night Er mo send out his servant to test the couple, and they fought. Only managing to defeat his servant at a very close call. Knowing thier power has decreased, he then set out to seek revenge from the couple.

Once again, Er mo and was fighting the couple. The couple fight to their best and found out their power skill couldn't even hurt the er mo much. Suddenly, one of the skill struck Lianhua in the chest, she vomited blood and apologise to Qinghua. 

"Qinghua, I'm sorry. I couldn't have tell you earlier. I'm actually pregnant. Thts why I couldn't get my power out as much as before"

Qinghua notice the truth and decide to protect the baby and her love one. He uses his last energy and cast the couple far away from the battle field, to a different dimension. However before being cast away, lianhua saw er mo draw his demon blade and pierce through the heart of Qinghua. Qinghua smile while blood oozing out from his chest and mouth and said " please take care of the baby and bring him up well, I love you" . A bolt of light shines and Lianhua was cast away, trying to reach out for a last touch of Qinghua, but she failed. 

Chapter 2

After casting away from the battle. Lianhua cried and decides to bring the baby up strong herself and to get revenge for her lost Qinghua. After several month of hiding, Lianhua give birth to a boy, she name him after her late husband, Qinghua. Bringing up Qinghua was a rough path. She need to avoid the evil spirits and kept on finding new place to hide. By then Qinghua is already at the age of 3. However one day, Lianhua has decided to leave Qinghua on the hands of the others, knowing that the evil spirits only catches her smell during the fight and they manage to travel through dimension to find her to kill her.

She place Qinghua at a orphanage door when Qinghua is asleep and uses part of her life to cast a protective spell which could only last till 21 years old, the spell that no evil spirit or the er mo could touch and find him . She bid and kiss the baby goodbye and cast herself back to the dimension where she had the battle with Er Mo. Lianhua went on fighting evil on her own. Hoping that she will see her son again.

Chapter 3

Qinghua grows up to a fine boy. It was his 21 years old bdae. All he know is that his parents pass away and being left at the orphanage. His life was a smooth sailing one at the orphanage, heading out to work by giving out flyers and does all the part time work. He grow up learning all the basics well and he is a fine young handsome looking man. He chose to live away from the orphanage and stays on his own, the orphanage was kind enough and provide him a small room rental outside.

After his 21 years old bdae celebration with his friend at the sentosa beach ,he felt something wrong with his eyes. A small burning sensation on his eyes that he had to rush to the toilet and wash his eyes. After a few wash at the tap, he felt the burning sensation is gone,he open his eyes but then a blurry vision suddenly hit him. He saw a greenish and black figure around and Infront of him. He shook his head a few time, hoping to get a clearer view. But all the figures is gone. He laugh to himself maybe he drank too much. He then went back to join his friends

After drinking with all his friends and they all left,Qinghua decide to lye on the beach enjoying the breeze before heading home. looking up at the sky counting the small little star, he then heard a small footstep walking towards him, someone is walking and kicking the sand while walking ,suddenly a small pile of sand landed on his hair and face.

" What the hack, hello can't u see a person lying here. " Qinghua sat up and shouted. He saw the lady continue walking and kicking the sand humming softly to herself.

"Hello to the lady in white full dress, u kick the sand on to my face and hair and u pretend u didn't see it." Qinghua complain again while brushing the sand off his hair. The lady stop and turn his head, looking puzzled and start waving at Qinghua. Qinghua looked at the lady and laughed,

" who are u waving at, don't try to trick me, there is no one here execpt you and me. " He waved his hand back at the lady unwillingly giving a lame and puzzled look.

The lady suddenly smiled brightly and ran towards Qinghua. She squat down next to him looking at him closely face to face. Admiring the look of Qinghua. She then felt shocked and asked,

" You can see me? You actually can see me? Wait a minute, how can u see me. !" The lady asked Qinghua excitedly.

Qinghua chuckled and did a small flick on her forehead. " What are you talking about? A lady like you shouldn't be here alone walking in the night, somemore near the sea water. Do you stay nearby? Or are you here on staycation? Where is your friends or family?"

The lady in white fell down on her butt after the small flick on her forehead. She covers her forehead and started to rub like shes in pain,

" Oww, why u do that, u not suppose to hit a Sp....! Wait a minute again. You can even touch me!! U can have contact with me! What on earth are you!" The lady look puzzled and excited at the same time with her bright watery eyes staring at Qinghua for an answer.

Qinghua look puzzled, clearing his last bit of the sand off the hair. He then replied, " Sorry, I might flick your head too hard. I'm Qinghua, what's your name, I think I get your name incase someone come and ask me later. And yes, I can see you well and hear you well, if not who am I talking to. You are one strange lady. "

The lady stared at Qinghua and thought to herself, wondering should she introduced herself to him. (In a actual fact, those people with third eyes whom manage to see her, all run away, frightened because of her wet hair look and endless water dripping out of her body, but in Qinghua current view she is a beautiful lady in white dress. Just like a normal being.)

" My name is Yin.(阴) I'm here on my own. Different place from where you come from. Kind of glad someone manage to see me and not run away. So what are you doing here? Are you stress and decide to do what I did before?" Yin said with a sad down look, poking her finger into the sand.

Qinghua looks towards the sea, explaining to Yin that he has actually celebrated his 21 years old birthday and decide to enjoy the sea breeze while thinking through what is going to be his future. He then looks at Yin and wanted to exchange phone number with her. Yin smile akwardly and said she left her phone at the hotel. Qinghua offered to walk Yin back to the hotel, In order to cover herself, Yin actually agreed and play along. Half way through the walk, Yin decide to change her plan and walk Qinghua to the station, stating that she is going to the convenience stall to grab some stuff. Qinghua smile and they both continue to have small conversation on the way.

Suddenly a gust of wind struck, the lamp light began flickering on and off. Qinghua look around feeling puzzled and Yin felt that there is danger coming. A bolt of dark sphere appear in front of them, a figure start to form and when it completes, a tall build dark evil spirit with red eyes staring at Qinghua. The evil spirit took a deep breathe, laughing loudly.

" No wonder I felt a good strong presences. I smell Lianhua...where is she! She kill all of my brother and my family!" The evil spirit pounded the floor and screaming, looking around for the familiar scents. Qinghua was shocked and stare at the evil spirit, his leg gave way and fell to the ground, Yin saw and immediately hold Qinghua closely to her,holding his head close to her. The evil spirit look down at both of them, it approach them and stare closely at both of them.

" What is this, a small wondering aimless spirit and a......human whom bare Lianhua scents, who are you human! Speak for yourself or I take your soul and crush it." The build evil spirit continue staring at them at a close distance.

Qinghua shook in fear while holding on to Yin. He replied, " who is Lianhua, I don't even know her. What spirit are u talking about. I think you wanted a wrong person."

The evil spirit got angry and lifting it's hand, a dark spear slowly form, " since you do not want to speak the truth, I shall end you and that little friend of yours. Muhahaha!" He threw the spear at the direction of Qinghua and Yin. Qinghua closes his eyes, knowing his end is near. Suddenly a water shield raise Infront of them, stopping the spear from penetrating to them. Qinghua opens his eyes and saw Yin raising his hands, like she is casting a shield to protect them. Yin was shocked that she could do that.

" Well well well, you decide to save a human life, how about another one, weak little spirit." The build evil spirit cast another spear, this time even bigger. He threw it at the water shield. As this is the first time Yin had cast the water shield, she couldn't control it any longer. The spear broke through the shield, going fast towards thier directions. Yin couldnt react anymore, breathlessly, she hug Qinghua close to her again.

Chapter 4

As the spear approaching fast towards Qinghua and Yin direction. They know they could not do anything anymore, they closes their eye and waiting for their death. Suddenly a lighting bolt strikes onto the spear, hitting the spear and changing the spear direction towards the sea. A loud explosion could be heard, Qinghua and Yin was confused and look at each other.

" Did you cast that again, what happen?" Qinghua asked and Yin denied she did it. A beam of bright line shines right in between the space of the evil spirit and them. A lady like figure take shape and a lightning bolt strikes again,this time hitting the build evil spirit in the face. The evil spirit moans in pain and roar.

" There you are, Lianhua. I been waiting for you. I shall end you right here right now. " As the intense battle begin. Lianhua threw the lightning bolt again right at the evil spirit, the lightning bolt was block but it did damage to the evil spirit. The evil spirit cast out a few smaller spear aiming and throwing at the direction of Lianhua. Lianhua cast a lotus shape shield parrying all the spears away.

After a few intense battle of casting spell, the evil spirit summons his original dark spear and charge towards Lianhua, Lianhua without fail, cast a lightning bolt sword and they both have a intense close combat battle. Qinghua still sitting down in aw, watching the battle and couldn't believe that this is happening. He wish that all this is just a dream.

As the battle grew even more intense, Lianhua know that she couldn't drag anymore longer. She cast a bind lighting spell at the evil spirit and she got it. While charging her final move, the evil spirit laugh,

" Lianhua, I couldn't believe that this skill killed my family, this is too weak for me, I had fun, is time to end this." The evil spirit broke free of the binding spell and with a loud roar, dark energy aura started building inside the evil spirit, with it's hand raising again, a dark spear reappear again, this time with black sphere around it. Lianhua smirked and she too, let out a scream,both her eyes and hair turns white and the cloud let out a purple blue lightning flashes. Lianhua lightning bolt sword grew and take aim at the evil spirit. The evil spirit felt chill down it's spine and couldn't care less, threw the dark spear at Lianhua. Lianhua huge lotus shield block it's attack,the evil spirit was in shocked, Lianhua then raise her finger at the evil spirits, a purple lighting bolt struck from the skies and hit the evil spirit, causing him to paralysed.

Lianhua chant softly, " evil shall parish in the hand of the living God " . Next moment the lightning bolt sword dash and struck at the body of the evil spirit, lightning and thunder struck multiple times heavily on the evil spirit, the attack was so bright and powerful that the ground shoke, Qinghua couldn't stand the pressure and fainted in the arms of Yin, Yin afraid that the attack will hurt the fainted Qinghua, she cast the water shield again protecting themself.

The evil spirit cries in pain " Lianhua, my dark lord will take my revenge, my family and I will see your torture and your death." With the final lift of the finger, the final thunder struck on to the build evil spirit and then it parish.

The dark skies slowly become calm and Lianhua hair turns from white to black and then to her normal self. She vomited a mouthful of blood and wipe off as she slowly approach Qinghua and Yin, knowing that she has overuse her power. Yin still held Qinghua close to her, unsure what Lianhua will do to him. Lianhua demands Yin to close her shield as she wants to take a closer look at Qinghua. " Allow me to look at the boy, I do no harm towards you and him. " Yin suddenly felt a sense of security and she let down her shield.

As Lianhua looks at the fainted boy, her eyes begin to tears and she mumbled,

" I'm sorry that I bring you to this world, please be strong as the spell no longer protect you. I will be with you as soon as possible."

Yin began to understand and when she about to ask Lianhua, Lianhua stops her and said,

"Please, is a fate that you both met. It's his first time encounter this as the protection spell wears off when he is 21 years old. Please be at his side guide him and be with him. Explain to him and let him know that there is another kind of world out there. I have my limit time and power to travel through dimension to be with him. Please let him wear this necklaces and bring him to a guy name Si gong located at this temple. "

Lianhua hand over the necklaces over to Yin, and slowly, her hand began to fade. Yin know tht time is up for Lianhua that she needs to return to the dimension that she came from. Yin promise to keep Qinghua safe and will be at his side. Lianhua take a last look at Qinghua and smiles in tears. " Take care my son, u have grown to be man. Is time for you to learn of your fate. I shall see you soon again. " As soon as she drop her last tears, she vanished and things around them began return to normal.

A couple pass by the walkway,

" Wa, honey did you see the lightning and thunder just now, so big and loud. It's gonna rain, let's get out of here. Hey there is a boy fainted there, go help him."

Chapter 5

"Take care my son, u have grown to be man. Is time for you to learn of your fate. I shall see you soon again" as the voice kept on echoing inside Qinghua head and flashes of the battle kept on appearing in Qinghua mind. He suddenly woke up in sweat and panting heavily, looking around him. "Where am I, what happen last night?" Qinghua kept asking himself, massaging his head with his palm. 

" I see you have wake up, I'm the beach patrolling security, yesterday a couple call for help as they found u unconscious on the ground. How are u feeling, do you need me to call the ambulance?"the beach security patrolling officer ask in concern looking at how Qinghua massaging his head. Qinghua assured with the officer that he is fine and wants to leave for home. The officer agrees and hand over all the belongings. Qinghua check through and found a necklaces with gold lotus plant. Qinghua took the necklace to the guard and mentioned that the necklaces isn't his. However, the guard explain that they took out the necklaces from Qinghua as they are doing cpr, afraid that the chain might choke or injured him. 

Qinghua find it strange, he then place the necklace inside his shorts and leave immediately. While taking the train back home, Qinghua sat at the last cabin and can't stop thinking what actually happened yesterday. He closed his eyes and kept having flashes.

" So how is your head? Still pain? If pain, stop thinking for now and let me explain." Suddenly a soft sweet voice could be heard next to Qinghua. Qinghua immediately open his eyes and saw Yin sitting next to him. He froze for a second and jump out of his seat. The opposite uncle was shock and stares at him.

" What the hell. How do you appear here, you are not here just now, and the trian haven even reach the stop. " Qinghua thought to himself and stare blindly at Yin, and then flashes of Yin holding Qinghua head and casting of the water shield appear right at Qinghua head. Qinghua covered his mouth in shock and couldn't believe that what happen is real yesterday. 

Yin laugh cutely at Qinghua reaction and ask him return back to his seat. Qinghua dare not to and Yin suddenly shown signs of anger,( ghostly face) and stare at Qinghua. Qinghua apologise and sat down next to her, the uncle sitting opposite uncle stares at Qinghua again and scratches his head continue reading his newspaper. Yin chuckled and start explaining to Qinghua. 

"What u saw and experience yesterday is not from this world. Me and your mothe....( Yin pauses) the savior, were also not from this world, we are two different world but connected by different dimensions. Just that you have the special ability to see us and maybe you have the power to travel through dimensions too, like your mothe....( Yin pause again) the savior. "

Qinghua heard and started laughing, " where is the camera, I know this is a prank show right. Just now you are actually in another train cabin, when you notice me not concentrating you appear, right? " Qinghua stop laughing when Yin shook her head and sigh. 

Yin suddenly disappear and reappear opposite him, sitting next to the uncle who is reading the newspaper. She blow the hair of the uncle and the uncle place the newspaper 

next to the seat where Yin was sitting and took out a comb to comb his messy hair. The newspaper pass through Yin's legs and landed on the seats. Qinghua was shock and swollow a huge gulp of saliva down, couldn't believe what he had just saw. Yin felt irritated and shove the newspaper on to the floor with a touch of her hand. The uncle kept his comb and proceed to pick his newspaper up.  

Yin appear next to Qinghua again, giving him a "do you believe now" look. Qinghua placed both of his hand on his face and for the rest of the trip he kept quiet and occasionally,he will turn and look at Yin, still cannot believe that things happened this way. 

Qinghua reached his rental home with Yin. As Qinghua took off his shoe,unlocks the door and went in. Yin stood there and watch, she's wondering is it fine for her to be entering the house. Qinghua notice and says,

"You are allow to be in my room only, this is not my house. So if you want, come in and stay out of other places."

Yin smile and follow closely behind Qinghua to his room. Qinghua went on to shower leaving Yin alone in the room,she looks around the small room and saw a few photo of his young time at the orphanage. 

" This must be his life, maybe fated to be alone, I wonder what can I do to help him. I think I leave him to Si gong as mentioned by her mom." Yin trying to gather herself, thinking how to put in words so that Qinghua would understand. Qinghua came out of the shower and felt tired after what happen yesterday,he immediately fell asleep when Yin was about to mentioned on Si gong. Yin sigh and smile looking at a peaceful sleeping Qinghua. 

Chapter 6

" what do you mean I got to go and find this man call Si gong? I don't even know who is that lady who save us. Why must I listen to her!" Exclaimed Qinghua as he refuse to to listen anymore from Yin. 

" that lady save yours and my life.she believes in you that you have the special abilities to over come and kill those evil spirits, at least return a favour and go try it out. Go and find Si gong, he may have a better answer and understanding of you." Yin explain to Qinghua, watching him surfing net on his cell phone. Qinghua pause and rethinks, " fine, I just go find him,but I won't be promising you that I will be a what evil spirit slayer. " Yin laugh and watches Qinghua prepares.

They arrived at the temple near chinatown, Qinghua stood Infront of a historic temple infront of him. " Wow, isn't this a historic site, how can Si gong be here, is more of like a place for viewing, since I'm here let me ask around." Qinghua step into the temple looking around for a helper, and saw a old guy in his 70's cleaning and maintaning the prayer alter. 

"I'm looking for Si gong, I'm being told to be here so that he can help me, do you know where he is?" Qinghua ask in a soft elegant voice in order not to disturb the rest of the people who were chanting prayers. The old man turn and look at Qinghua, for quite sometime, the old man pan Qinghua from head to toe, then ask,

"Young man, what can I do for you. Who instructed you to come looking for me. I'm just a old man running and cleaning the temple, you are too young to look for a cleaning job in the temple. " The old man smile and replied. 

Qinghua took out the gold lotus necklaces and show it to the old man and explain whatever Yin has told him. Si gong glance at the necklace and immediately he took out his old glasses and have a better look. "How can it be, this is impossible!" Si gong thought to himself. He immediately lead Qinghua to a room behind the buddha statue. Beyong the door there is several small rooms,Si gong then instructed Qinghua to choose a room and head in. Without knowing anything, Qinghua look at the rooms from afar, he spotted one room with bright beam light that could be seen shining through the outline of the door. He pointed to that room and Si gong followed him.

Qinghua pushes the door and felt warm bright light shining on him. He uses the other hand to cover his eyes as it is too bright, the next moment he is at a cave with all the inscriptions carve all around the cave. " What is this place, must be dreaming," Qinghua turns around and see the door is gone. He got shock and started pinching himself, he felt the pain and couldn't believe. 

"You are here in the realm of different dimension. You are indeed the chosen one, to defeat all evil spirits and serve in the Gods commands. " Si gong voice could be heard but he is no where to be seen. Suddenly, a old man in chinese traditional clothes appear in front of Qinghua. He laugh and smile, " do not panic young one,as your heart Is pure and hereby commands of the God, you shall serve him as great power shall be given to you. The old man approached Qinghua and place his hands at his chest. "Now go! " He pushes Qinghua as he shouts, Qinghua felt a powerful push and next moment he is back inside the room. Qinghua felt someone holding him, he turns around and saw Si gong smiling and holding him. He then knod his head and pointed in the direction Infront of them. Qinghua gather himself and lift his head up and saw a big statue of the old man he saw in the realm. He stood there watching as Si gong pass him a prayer joss stick. Qinghua kneld down and offer the prayer joss stick. 

Si gong smile and did not mention much, he handed a scripted scroll and escort Qinghua out to the temple, "do your best and God will be with you," he left and Qinghua stood there with his head still blank and unexplainable things kept rolling in his head. 

"Qinghua, how did it go? Are you ok? Why are you standing there like a wooden block." Yin appear and looks at Qinghua, waiting for an answer. Qinghua sat down on the bench under the tree, trying to recompose himself. 

"He say I'm the chosen one, and I shall serve in the God commands." Mumbled Qinghua. Yin was puzzled and she placed her hands on Qinghua trying to comfort him. The moment Yin place her hand on Qinghua, she felt a lightning shock through her hand. " Owww....it burns!!What did you do, what is happening to you." Yin was shock and jump right out of the bench, grabbing her hand, trying to shake off the burning sensation, She look at Qinghua in shock and fear. 

Qinghua regains his conscious, and apologies. " Sorry Yin, I don't know what is going on, did I hurt you.!" Qinghua stood up and approached Yin. 

Yin step back and stop Qinghua, " I'm ok, I think we must have like a safety distance before we figure out what's going on with you. " Yin smile awkwardly and while cooling her hands off, she saw he scroll in Qinghua pocket and she suggest that they head back home and figure it out. Qinghua agreed and they head home .

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